Blog - Alaska Fly Out
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Rare Availability - Goodnews River

Wild River Guides

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Goodnews River North Fork

August 18th - 26th, 2013 (5 seats available)

Coho Salmon, Dolly Varden Char, and Rainbow Trout, until you can't take it any more. Even by Alaskan standards this is an extraordinary week. Reels break, rods get field repairs, and waders are on from coffee hour until nightfall. The Rainbows are "bulked up" to football proportions from a summer of salmon caviar. No one talks much about numbers of fish anymore after a few days. All the Salmon, Trout, and Char have blended together and become a haze. You want to do something like this at least once in your life! The camping and the cheer around the campfire is unforgettable. This is the most spectacular week of the season.

Contact Wild River Guides for more information

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The Last Cast

Sportsmen's Fight to Save Bristol Bay

While on our production tour this summer in Alaska, we produced this short video on the proposed Pebble Mine and the sentiment of anglers, guides, and sportsmen who love the wild and untouched version of Bristol Bay. This issue transcends backyard conservation - if we can't Save Bristol Bay, no place is safe - no place is sacred. Don't let the Pebble Partnership set the precedent to destroy the last intact salmon-based culture. 

You can help! Visit 

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Magnetic North - Episode 1

Soul Float

The Fly Out team got the opportunity to float 8 days with guide ambassador Mark Rutherford's Wild River Guides down River X in SW Alaska - Bristol Bay area. The theme of the trip was variety; variety of weather, fish species, and landscapes. Welcome to Alaska right! We got the authentic Bristol Bay snot and we got the elusive blue bird skies. We floated through the dolly varden factories, silver mines, and root ball rainbow country. Along the way, we rediscoverd the magic of Alaska's wilderness - truly wild country. This was a special adventure, and I take off my hat to Mark and crew for a wonderful trip. Get more info on Wild River Guides here

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The Last Salmon Forest - Alaska's Tongass

From Detonation Studios

From the Filmakers: 

The teaser for The Last Salmon Forest filmed on location in South East Alaska. For more information on how to help preserve our last largest Temperate rain forest please check out-
Produced by Detonation Studios.
Director of Photography- Ian Majszak
Cameras- Ian Majszak, Bryan Gregson
Logistical coordinator- Bryan Gregson.
Editor- Ian Majszak
Music credit- Emancipator- track titled "safe in the steep cliffs." 

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Another Great Alaska Blog

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Calling all Alaska guides and industry professionals - this is a great new blog by new Fly Out Ambassador J.J. Pilgreen and his business Upstream Marketing. Don't sigh about another fishing blog - this one has a lots of information, links to all of the awesome companies they represent, local Alaska Fly Shop information, Guide to buying local, gear reviews, introductions to new and interesting folks and much more.

If you're in the know, you'll go -

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