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Best Alaska Salmon Footage Ever!

Salmon Research at Iliamna Lake

From the Filmaker: 

This video showcases Iliamna Lake and briefly shows some of the 2013 research of the Alaska Salmon Program's Iliamna Lake research station, one of four main facilities in Southwest Alaska . The program was established by the University of Washington in the 1940's and the majority of it's research is focused on ecology and fisheries management relating primarily to salmon and the environment in Bristol Bay, Alaska. Check out our program at:

I am very grateful to be a part of such a long standing, and prominent program that allows me to work in the field in such an incredible setting with fantastic folks. This video was often shot between, or during field sampling events so thanks to all those who supported me by continuing to work while I fiddled with camera gear.

Filmed and edited by Jason Ching
Additional footage provided by Cyril Michel

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Salmon, People, and Place

A Conversation with Author Jim Lichatowich

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SalmonSketch3A fantastic audio interview from Ashley Ahearn of EarthFix with Jim Lichatowich, the author of the new book, "Salmon, People, and Place". Lichatowich is a biologist who has worked as a researcher, manager, and scientific advisor for more than 40 years. In this audio piece, he gives a glimpse of his book which explores the problems wild salmon face in our complex world. Particularly, he speaks on the philosophical shift on the use of hatcheries.

From the interview:

"The fish factory and the machine metaphor are a perfect match. The mechanistic worldview reduced salmon-sustaining ecosystems to an industrial process and rivers to simple conduits whose only function was to carry artificially-propagated salmon to the sea. The mechanistic worldview still has a powerful grip on salmon management and restoration programs in spite of a growing scientific understanding that the picture of ecosystems created by the machine metaphor was seriously flawed."

A very interesting article when thinking about salmon conservation in the state of Alaska, and the direction we are going. See the full article at EarthFix

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Fishing with a Conscience

Loon Outdoors - Behind the Scenes

Trust me - it would be much easier to make floatants, line cleaners, fishing tools, and other niche fly fishing products without thinking of the environment. Loon Outdoors does it the hard way, by making a enviro-friendly product that also is effective in the field. Loon Outdoors is a fantastic brand, with an ethos that is truly admirable among fly fishing companies. 

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The Surprise Salmon

From PBS Series - Life on Fire

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From Original Source:

In Alaska, the fresh water that feeds the rivers is snowmelt from North America's highest mountains and most active volcanoes. Time and again, they erupt and poison the rivers. Scientists have only just begun to piece together what might have happened nearly 2,000 years ago, when one race of salmon faced the death of their natal river and were forced back to the open ocean.

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Costa De Cocos Mexico Trip Report

Wait - That's not Alaska

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Every year, when the Alaska fishing season winds down, we host a trip to one or two of our favorite international destinations. We just got back from a great trip to Costa De Cocos in Xcalak, Mexico with a group from the Santa Cruz Fly Fishing Club. Although most members of the group are seasoned anglers, all but a couple had any saltwater flats fishing experience. So, we all knew that the first few days would be a crash course on technique, fish recognition, objectives, etc. We were primarily targeting bonefish, tarpon, permit, and barracuda. The bonefish in this part of the Caribbean can get as big as 6 pounds, with most of them averaging between 2-4 pounds. All of the anglers in the group quickly realized what the chatter about bonefish was all about. Very few 20-inch fish in Alaska will rip you to your backing in the first run. Pound for pound, these little monsters are some of the strongest sport fish in the world.  Part of the appeal of fly fishing to me is that it is challenging. Flats fishing for bonefish, tarpon, and permit can be challenging! I don't like "tough" fishing anymore than the next angler, but I can say that I gain much satisfaction during the learning process of a new sport, process, technique, etc - even when I am struggling. I believe all 8 anglers felt the satisfaction of putting everything together this week - seeing the fish, making a great cast, strip set, and landing the fish. That's what it's all about.  For the months of July through November, Costa De Cocos offers a 2 for 1 discount for an all-inclusive package at $2,050 Per Peson (6-Day/7-Night Package). Although this is the tail-end of the rainy season in Mexico, believe me, you will be hard pressed to find this type of value anywhere else. Contact us with questions. From the Gallery:  {gallery}BlogContent/Dec2013/CDCTrip/gallery{/gallery}  

Alaska's Angling Addiction - Our Story

By Lee Kuepper

We had the pleaser to spend a few evenings with Paul and Lee from Alaska's Angling Addiction, shooting some video for our newest film. These guys are first class, and they are extremely good at what they do. The two of them have great energy, and you can feel that when you're on the water with them. They have the right mindset about stewardship toward the Kenai fishery, and their values toward conservation are admirable. Both Paul and Lee are too humble to come out and say it, but when it comes to giant Kenai River Rainbows - they're the best. This is their story. 

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Long Live the King - Official Trailer

By Fly Out Media

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Orvis - PatagoniaYeti CoolersSmith Optics - Renewable Resources Foundation -

Montana Fly CompanyTrout Unlimited - F3T - The Drake Magazine - Loon Outdoors

Long Live the King is a story of hope and resurgence for Alaska's great King Salmon fishery. Returning numbers of the fish have been dropping steadily, and both 2012 and 2013 hit especially hard - with multiple rivers and regions across the state seeing some of the lowest returns ever, forcing Alaska Fish and Game officials to close or severely limit salmon fishing around the state, including on some of Alaska's most iconic rivers. In addition, what is starting to seem like an all out war on salmon – mining, dams, hatcheries and the state government are all marching forward in opposition of Alaska treasure salmon resource. For many, this is an attack on religion, not just a fish.

This film seeks to ignite an angler's passion - showing why salmon are worth fighting for from a fly fishing perspective. By showcasing some of Alaska's world class adventures - a team of Alaska's best guides and anglers explore the state's rivers, fly fishing for King Salmon, while practicing "catch and release" for the benefit of greater escapement and future salmon spawn. Through interviews and candid conversation, we will hear from long-time Alaska guides, lodge owners, Native elders, political figures, conservation leaders, and wilderness pioneers who have an abundance of untapped folk information on the state's great King Salmon lore. In these virtually untold stories, lies the spirit of Alaska - the dream of its wild lands and freedoms that can hardly be imagined in our current time.

King Salmon are an icon for Alaska, and a treasured sport fish for the entire world. Long Live the King celebrates the great homecoming of salmon to the Last Frontier, while promoting a re-energized culture of sustainability among salmon fishermen and women worldwide. Through inspiring imagery, explosive fishing, emotional testimony and a tone of sustainability, respect, and stewardship, the film breathes new life into the hearts of anglers. One goal of this film is to boost the grassroots efforts of our conservation partners to defend the land, waters, cultural heritage, and invaluable resources of Alaska, including the mighty King Salmon of the Last Frontier.

Music: "300 Violin Orchestra" by Jorge Quintero

Lodges and Outfitters

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Waypoints - Alaska Segment

From Confluence Films

Everybody's been waiting anxiously to see the World Premiere of Confluence Films new production - Waypoints. They've been releasing short segments from the film, showing a glimpse of each destination featured in the film - Sponsored by The Drake Magazine.

This short is from the Alaska steelhead segment, starring one of our heroes - Rooster Leavens. You can find the tour dates for your state HERE

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Indie Alaska - I am a Bush Pilot

With Willy Fulton

From Indie Alaska: 

Alaska bush pilot Willy Fulton is known for his experience in flying to remote locations, and his direct, likable personality.

Fulton is also known as the pilot who last flew Timothy Treadwell, and ultimately came upon Treadwell's remains in Katmai National Park.

While that story and the Werner Herzog film "Grizzly Man" brought attention to the pilot, Fulton is a character in his own right - with many more stories to tell.

Travis Gilmour
Tyson Gilmour

Travis Gilmour

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