The Breach - Official Trailer
by Mark Titus
No video Mark Titus
No video selected.on Wednesday, 20 August 2014. Posted in Alaska Fly Fishing & Adventure Films, Video, Conservation
by Whooshh Innovations
No video selected.on Thursday, 14 August 2014. Posted in Alaska Fly Fishing & Adventure Films, Video, Conservation
by Shoot Yourself in the Foot Productions
on Wednesday, 13 August 2014. Posted in Alaska Fly Fishing & Adventure Films, Video, Conservation
From Gerrit Rauch
A video reel of Gerrit's summer stint guiding at Tikchik Narrows Lodge.
on Sunday, 10 August 2014. Posted in Alaska Fly Fishing & Adventure Films, Video
from Tiziano Pizzi
A GoPro cut from some steelhead fishing on the Situk River in Alaska. Some nice fish in this video.
From the filmakers:
Our addiction to steelhead has once again led us to the mighty Situk River in Alaska. The river is home to the largest run of native steelhead left in the world. We hit the road at the end of April, when the peak of the run usually occurs. Conditions in the river were not looking good, with flow dropping as low as 35 CFS before we got there. Unusual mild temperatures and light rain scattered every few days didn't make our life easier. Notwithstanding, good fresh push of spring steelhead were coming in each day down at the lower end. We fished every single inch of the river for 10 consecutive days looking for huge wild steelhead. At the end, we bring home memories of lifetime trophy steelhead.
Warning: fishing the Situk River and its beautiful wild steelhead can be addictive. Enjoy fly fishing responsibly.
Also, see their short video titled "Alaskan Chromers" below.
on Tuesday, 05 August 2014. Posted in Alaska Fly Fishing & Adventure Films, Video
From Sturgefilm
No video selected.on Saturday, 02 August 2014. Posted in Alaska Fly Fishing & Adventure Films, Video
from Hatch Outdoors
Check out this battle between angler and Alaska steelhead. The duck under the log move is pretty impressive. Great video from Bryan Gregson, Austin Trayser Media, and Hatch Outdoors.
on Tuesday, 22 July 2014. Posted in Alaska Fly Fishing & Adventure Films, Video
A Film by Ben Hamilton
From the Filmmaker:
The Salmon Connection video is part of a National Science Foundation exhibit to show the connection of salmon to the world around us. Artist Ray Troll and aquarium designers from Tenji Inc. have worked with our Science Center staff to make an exhibit that highlights the work of University of Washington School of Aquatic and Fisheries Sciences, salmon researcher Dr. Daniel Schindler. The exhibit shows the connection between diverse salmon habitat, healthy oceans and healthy communities.
This video is meant to demonstrate the connection salmon have to our communities here in Alaska.
on Tuesday, 03 June 2014. Posted in Alaska Fly Fishing & Adventure Films, Video
Yantarni Salmon Camp by Crystal Creek Lodge
No video selected.Special Package Details: Discount Code FOM50
The Yantarni Salmon Camp is a wilderness tent camp 125 miles south of King Salmon and is an experience and trip distinct from the fine lodging and fly out trip offered by it's parent operation, Crystal Creek Lodge. A trip to Yantarni is for hard-core fishing enthusiasts seeking a high-volume wilderness Alaska Silver Salmon fishing experience. Days can pass without hearing the sound of an aircraft and the only fishing competition is from your fellow campmates.
Fishing Program
The fishing experience at Yantarni is high- volume salmon fishing for Chum, Pink and Silver Salmon in small coastal streams. Fishing time while at the camp is unlimited. The main stream, within walking distance from the camp, fills with ocean-fresh salmon as well as sea-run Dolly Varden. Two other prolific salmon streams are close by to give a total of three streams within easy reach of camp.
The best salmon holes are those at tidewater, about a mile from camp, and the guides transport fishermen from the camp to the tidewater holes using ATVs (All Terrain Vehicles). The streams are small enough to wade across most places at low tide and at high tide a good fly caster can reach well past the center.
As the salmon enter the stream from the ocean, they can be seen porpoising the surface as they arrive with the tides. The water clarity is often so clear it is possible to see and cast to specific fish. The roar of the nearby surf before you and majesty of the mountains behind you only add to the sweetness of the experience.
Being so close to the Ocean, the salmon are very aggressive; willing to hit a fly with abandon, often within moments after it hits the water and before the angler is ready. Persons who do not fly fish can use jigs with similar results. If weather and water conditions are right the fish will strike surface poppers.
Accommodations & Dining
As one would expect from a camp managed by Crystal Creek Lodge, it is a comfortable place featuring heated wall tents, hot showers and delicious food. The accommodations consist of heavy-duty wall tents with wood floors. The guest tents feature wood burning stoves, electric lights, carpet, and comfortable beds with sheets and down comforters. The kitchen/dining tent provides ample space for comfortable dining and evening social activities. The shower tent and lavatory facilities have an inexhaustible supply of hot water, and the water, which is pumped from a well, is as clean and pure as you will ever find. There is a flush toilet for guests.
Meals are cooked and served "home style" in the dining hall. Breakfasts can be chosen hearty as sausage and eggs or light as oatmeal or fruit. Streamside shore lunches of fresh salmon are a camp specialty. Dinner entrees include prime rib, roasted chicken and fresh salmon with side dishes.
Discount Code FOM50
Contact Us: [email protected] | 406.781.7184 | |
Hank is always good for a laugh; even on a subject as serious as Pebble Mine. Best analogy EVER at the very end. Wonder why he never heard back from the guy?
on Thursday, 17 April 2014. Posted in Alaska Fly Fishing & Adventure Films, Video