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Catch Magazine - Issue #30

Featuring Tikchik Narrows Lodge Pilot Steve Larsen

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The Catch Magazine issue is live. Check out the 2nd essay from Tikchik Narrows Lodge pilot Steve Larsen on Bristol Bay. Steve has been a pilot in Southwest Alaska for over 30 years, and his cameras have always come along with him. Check out this wonderful essay by subscribing to Catch Mag at

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Bristol Bay River Academy 2013

The World is Yours if You Want It

The Bristol Bay River Academy (formerly the Bristol Bay Fly Fishing & Guide Academy) merges salmon and river education, with recreation and conservation principles to educate, engage and inspire Bristol Bay young adults to become local leaders in salmon stewardship and prepared for jobs based on healthy salmon in their home rivers. The river-side course prepares young local leaders by equipping them with the knowledge, values and skills necessary to be conservation advocates in their communities and link visitors to the salmon and trout conservation issues in the region. The Academy accomplishes this in two primary ways.

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Surfing Alaska


From the Filmmakers: 

Imagine cruising into a breathtaking fiord, snow capped mountains and hanging glaciers on three sides, you've never been here before, and from the looks of things, nobody else has either. The sea lions hauled out on the rocks look at you with bewilderment, obviously surprised to see a human. From the charts it looked like there might be potential for a wave on the East side of the fiord and based on the swell and offshore breeze you are excited to prove your suspicion right.

This kind of experience is status quo for our boat based surf missions. We explore Alaska's endless miles of wild coastline seldom even seeing other boats. Sometimes we discover incredible waves, and sometimes we just have to settle with unbelievable scenery, incredible wildlife, and great food.

After several years in the making we are excited to be able to share this once in a life time experience with you. Boat based surf explorations in the last frontier with Ocean Swell Ventures.

The M/V Milo is a proven North Pacific Veteran and is crewed by over 50 years of Alaskan Maritime experience. Owner Mike McCune and Captain Scott Dickerson also have more than 60 years of surf experience (and one happens to be a talented professional photographer). These unique qualifications make Ocean Swell Ventures the perfect choice for making your experience rewarding and successful. We are living our dream and can't wait for you to join us.

A few things you can expect from a surf trip with Ocean Swell Ventures:

Pioneering new surf locations
Mind blowing scenery -- calving glaciers, jagged mountains, untouched wilderness
An authentic Alaskan experience
Great food -- plenty of fresh fish
True adventure

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Catch Magazine Issue 29 - Alaska Photos

Featuring Tikchik Narrows Lodge

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Tikchik Narrows Lodge pilot Steve Larsen's photography is featured in the newest Catch Magazine - issue 29. Incredible images of Bristol Bay! Distinctly Alaska. Subscribe today! 


From the Magazine: 

Steve Larsen grew up in Seattle and departed for Alaska in the early 80's to pursue a seaplane flying career on Kodiak Island. After flying for 12 years on Kodiak he started looking at the lodge flying business. A perfect fit for Steve awaited at Tikchik Narrows Lodge - a new adventure and more time for photography.

Steve has accumulated over 19,000 hours and 30 years of flying in SW Alaska, The Alaska Peninsula and Bristol Bay. This will be his 20th season at Tikchik Narrows Lodge. 95% of his flying is in a Dehaviland Beaver - a great platform for aerial photography.


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Alaska Bear Viewing

From Alaska Wilderness Safari

Check out this bear viewing reel from Fly Out recommended Alaska Wilderness Safari. Seeing bears is part of the Alaska experience, and you'll be hard pressed to find a better place to see these wonderful creatures in their natural habitat.

Ask us about Alaska Wilderness Safari - [email protected]

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forget me knot

By Camille Egdorf

This is a great Alaska guide lifestyle film, with incredible fishing and AK imagery. From the Upper Nushagak in Alaska's Bristol Bay, Camille Egdorf narrates through a season in the bush.  

From Camille: 

The summer of 2012, I dedicated over 100 hours to filming and documenting the experiences that not only I had but also of those who spent time at my family's camp in Bristol Bay, Alaska; employee and client alike. It depicts and shares, from start to finish, the life that I've known from the first few months of my existence. The Alaska state flower is the Forget Me Not, which is the inspiration for the naming of this film. I didn't do this for any type of compensation, just simply to share and retell the story of an Alaskan summer. 

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Resources for the Soul

By Cory Luoma

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To Americans, and even to westerners, the enormity of "wild" Alaska is truly unfathomable. It is like talking about Bill Gates' money or the distance between the closest star and planet Earth; the vastness transcends our human understanding. I have spent 5 summers in Alaska – flying, guiding, filming, fishing, loving, and living. And every year, when I return to the Great Land, my jaw drops, and my fish bum brain short-circuits, preventing any worldly comprehension. Amidst it all, the subtlest miracles are occurring. Millions of salmon are running to their spawning grounds, balls of smolt are fleeing to the sea, and a pure and intact ecosystem comes to life right in front of our eyes with the dawn of summer. The mystery overcomes me, a rush surges through my spine, and the only things tangible are the goose bumps. That is the infinity moment that we all seek as human beings – a truly scarce resource in this day in age.

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