From the Filmmaker: Here is relaxing 360 V.R. timelapse video of the Milky Way moving through the night sky and a weak Aurora over Knob Lakes near Glacierview, Alaska on April 1, 2016. Enjoy and share!
From the filmmaker: The Yukon's vast landscape and minimal development provides great opportunity to explore amazing places. This video showcases some of the great activities and vistas the Yukon has to offer. This video is a summery of the adventures I experienced during the summer of 2015. Please feel free to share with friends and let them see what the yukon has to offer.
We have been flying camera mounted UAVs since 2013. Believe it or not, that was before drones became the widespread consumer item that they are today. These crafts were tough to fly, and the camera stabilization was not easy or affordable. Throughout, we've worked closely with Quadrocopter, LLC to find professional UAV solutions that fit our unique needs in Alaska.
UAVs offer an incredible perspective for a filmmaker, opening the door to many innovative shots that had never before been possible for small scale production. This is a short reel, showcasing our aerial videography in Alaska over the past 4 years.
They call them Kings for a reason. In 2013, we traveled around Alaska for 6 weeks filming Alaska largest salmon on the fly for our short film Long Live the King. These are special salmon, and they do not return to AK in the enormous numbers that sockeye, coho, pink, and chum salmon do. King Salmon conservation should be a continuing topic of discussion among guides and anglers in AK.
King Salmon are an icon in Alaska, and one of the most exciting sport fish in the Last Frontier. Here's a little highlight reel from that footage we shot back in 2013. Watch in HD - Comment, Share, and Enjoy!
We spent a day with Royal Coachman Lodge on nearby Kulik Lake to take in some remarkable Alaska scenery and to catch a few early season fish. This has got to be one of the most scenic spots in all of Bristol Bay. It's stunning how the Wood-Tikchik Lakes intertwine and collide with the dramatic Wood River Mountains. A fishing trip in this region offers so much more than fishing. Watch in HD - Comment, Share, Enjoy
If you've never seen the grandeur of Alaska's landscapes, this short will give you a small glimpse of the mind bending wonders that make up "The Great Land". The scale is unfathomable, the beauty is divine, and the wildness is inspiring. Watch in HD - Share, Comment, Enjoy!
If you've ever been fly fishing in Alaska, you have most likely encountered Arctic Grayling. They are abundant in many of Alaska's remote rivers. In some areas, they can grow to be over 20-inches in length. Their iridescent colors and feisty demeanor really make them unique. If you like throwing dry flies, it's hard to beat the action you'll see with Arctic Grayling.
While shooting Mighty Mouse II in Western AK, we captured dozens of Grayling takes on camera. And, since we felt like waltzing, we thought we'd put together a short reel. Watch in HD - Comment, Share, Enjoy!
Variety is the spice of life they say. There's very few places on planet Earth where you can find the type of fish variety that you can in Alaska. We've counted 12 different freshwater species that you can catch on the fly - King Salmon, Chum Salmon, Silver Salmon, Sockeye Salmon, Pink Salmon, Rainbow Trout, Arctic Char, Dolly Varden, Northern Pike, Sheefish, Lake Trout, and Arctic Grayling. Did we miss any? The Alaska Grand Slam is all of these species in a single fishing season. Or even better, a single week. Comment if you've achieved the Alaska Grand Slam!
Filmed on the Copper River with Copper River Lodge
The sheer volume of salmon that return to Bristol Bay each year is truly astounding. For those who haven't visited Alaska, it's really hard to conceptualize 32 million fish - the average sockeye return in Bristol Bay. This video gives a glimpse of the bio mass that enter the rivers and streams that make up the Bristol Bay watershed. Filmed exclusively in 2015 on the Copper River with Copper River Lodge.