Alaska's Grand Slam on the Fly
One Week - 12 Species . . . Is it possible?
Variety is the spice of life they say. There's very few places on planet Earth where you can find the type of fish variety that you can in Alaska. We've counted 12 different freshwater species that you can catch on the fly - King Salmon, Chum Salmon, Silver Salmon, Sockeye Salmon, Pink Salmon, Rainbow Trout, Arctic Char, Dolly Varden, Northern Pike, Sheefish, Lake Trout, and Arctic Grayling. Did we miss any? The Alaska Grand Slam is all of these species in a single fishing season. Or even better, a single week. Comment if you've achieved the Alaska Grand Slam!
| Cory Luoma | Alaska Fly Fishing & Adventure Films, Video
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Salmon Landscapes
| Cory Luoma | Alaska Fly Fishing & Adventure Films, Video
From the filmmaker:
Another video highlighting the sockeye salmon spawning grounds of Bris...